Rudy for President?
As the pundits discuss the candidates from both parties, the big issue in Republican circles is that the candidates are not conservative enough. The problem with primaries is it invariably pushes candidates more to the extremes of their party than they would normally go. This in turn has the effect of marginalizing them come the general election. It is no stretch of the imagination that Bush is perceived to generally be too far right for the country at this time. This is mainly due to the war, but his spending would cause many liberals to blush. But my point here is the country is not ready to accept a candidate that is too far right. They certainly don't want some one too far left either but with things the way they are its more likely they could go further left than right. Of course should the war turn around all that would likely change. What conservatives need to realize here is that you can't have it you way all the time. I believe it is prudent at this time to back up a little. There are some signs of this in the grass roots, but they are uneasy about it and it bears watching. Pick you battles I say. It is important on many issues that conservatives retain the white house, most of which is the Supreme Court. Bush has been lucky to nominate what appear to be two solid conservatives (not the disaster of Souter that his father ended up with). There is a one judge majority in the conservative block, and the nomination of one more should solidify that slat for the next 20 years. Presidents come and go, but the Supreme Court endures and that can have longer lasting effects. Giuliani is a moderate conservative, should he be elected he will always be right of center and his handlers will never let him stray far from that. He can be elected even in these trying times. Hopefully the grass roots can see that strategically this is the right thing to do and bite there lips. I am not endorsing him (yet) but the right needs to really take the temperature of the country and realize that it’s easier to take a lukewarm bath that a cold one. The alternative is Hilliary. God save us
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Well then, you have your work cut out for ya convincing all the bible-thumpers to support Rudi instead of crazy-ass Brownback
I sure do...
VOTE for Hillary - it's time for a tough woman!
hey! why don't you convince them speaking in 'tongues'? :)~
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