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Wednesday, February 28, 2007

It just keeps going and going....

Hillary....ahhh I am doing everyone a favor here. Her brother is in court right now regarding a loan he did not pay back oh like 6 years ago. So what does that have to do with Hillary? Well the couple who loaned him the money were um well ummm pardoned by the Clinton's at the end of their term... Remember Marc Rich? Remember how Hillary's brothers were wink wink nod nod getting money for pardons?? So read the article from the Boston globe below to refresh yourselves... I certainly don't want you to forget..

Six years ago, the launch of Hillary Clinton's career in the US Senate was marred by allegations that her brothers had received payments from people pardoned by President Bill Clinton in the waning months of his presidency.

Now, in the wake of the launch of her presidential campaign, the pardon controversy has reemerged in an obscure court case in which Senator Clinton's brother Tony is battling an order to repay more than $100,000 he received from a couple pardoned by President Clinton.

Tony Rodham, who acknowledged approaching the president about a pardon for the couple, is the second of Hillary Clinton's brothers to receive money from people who were eventually pardoned by President Clinton. Hugh Rodham received $400,000 from two people, one of whom was pardoned and one whose sentence was commuted.

But while Hillary Clinton immediately expressed chagrin over the news in 2001 that Hugh received the money -- and asked him to return it -- she said Tony was "not paid," according to a congressional report. The Clinton campaign yesterday declined to comment on the case involving Tony Rodham.

Clinton critics have been seeking to revive an array of controversies, from the Whitewater land deal to the Monica Lewinsky case. The Clinton campaign has sought to depict them as old or moot cases. But the Tony Rodham case could be different because it is in court just as Senator Clinton's campaign reaches full speed.

Yesterday, US Bankruptcy Court Judge Marian Harrison of Nashville ordered Tony Rodham to respond by March 16 to the allegation that he failed to repay a loan of $107,000 from the couple pardoned by Clinton, according to attorneys involved in the case.

President Clinton's pardons have been a political issue for Hillary Clinton because of her ties to a number of the cases. In addition to the people who paid her brothers, those receiving pardons included commodities trader Marc Rich, a fugitive who was prosecuted for tax evasion by then-US Attorney Rudolph Giuliani and fled to Switzerland. Rich was pardoned after his former wife, Denise Rich, contributed heavily to Hillary Clinton's Senate campaign.

Controversy over the pardons was reignited last week after Hollywood mogul and former Clinton supporter David Geffen criticized the Clintons for the Rich pardon.

"It is a legitimate campaign issue," said Stephen Gillers, professor of legal ethics at New York University School of Law. He said that Hillary Clinton should answer questions about her brothers' and her own involvement in the pardons because "the stench of the Marc Rich pardon still stinks and it has never been adequately explained. "

The Tony Rodham lawsuit revolves around his work for a carnival company, United Shows of America, which was owned by Edgar and Vonna Jo Gregory. The couple, who had been convicted of bank fraud, hired Tony Rodham as a business consultant and paid him $244,769 in salary over 2 1/2 years, according to a congressional report.

President Clinton pardoned the couple in March 2000. The Republican-controlled House Government Reform Committee issued a 2002 report that said Rodham had helped the couple obtain the pardon.

Edgar Gregory has since died, and his company is now bankrupt. The lawsuit against Tony Rodham, brought by the bankruptcy trustee, revolves around whether the Gregorys loaned Rodham $107,000, or whether that money was part of his salary. The trustee for the bankrupt estate says it was a loan that was never repaid and that, with interest, it would now be $153,000.

When Tony Rodham's involvement with the Gregorys first became public in early 2001, Hillary Clinton said that her brother had known the couple "for some time . . . he has a personal relationship with them. He was not paid."

The House Government Reform Committee report the next year, noting that Rodham had worked as a consultant to the Gregorys, said a further review should be conducted to determine whether Hillary Clinton "knew of the financial relationship between Tony Rodham and the Gregorys when Rodham was lobbying the President for pardons." The report said Hillary Clinton's "statement that Tony Rodham 'was not paid' is not accurate."

Rodham yesterday did not respond to a request for comment. In 2001, he said on CNN that he had worked as a consultant for the Gregorys but that "on the pardon issue, I never received a dime from them."

SOURCE: Boston Globe

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Angry Chuck

Republican senator Chuck Hagel sounds off on the sorry state of Congress, the president’s lies, and the vote for war that he now regrets

Here is a link from our friend NY Mets fan--->Here

I read this article, and found some very good points. It’s very easy for people to have looked at the evidence, backed the war and when it all goes wrong sit back and say oh I knew something was up all along. If it had of gone well he would not be saying anything and would be pointing out how great a decision he made even if no WMD’s had been found. (actually there were we can discuss later) However he is a chorus of many who are frustrated with how things are going. No doubt Bush’s plans fell short. No doubt things did not go the way they envisioned. But again lies??? “Oh, I eventually was sure they knew” Where is the evidence??? Coming to the wrong conclusion, Mismanagement, misinterpretation or just not finding them does not mean a lie. Everything Bush believed Sadamm had, Bill Clinton and the democratic Senate believed the same for years. Bush was the only one willing to do anything about it. Bottom line is we can’t win this war at this point because the will to win has been beaten down and sadly from our own people. It is almost impossible for America to win a long term engagement because just like Vietnam, the liberal left eventually breaks the will of the people. The North Vietnamese Generals knew they could not win on the battlefield and proclaimed after the war they were counting on public opinion to win all along. It’s happening all over again. Anybody who does thinks that a major strategy of Al Qaida to win is to wait for the will of the American people to break is seriously wrong. Al Qaida votes democrat.

Type rest of the post here

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Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Oh Al

Now I am not one to really criticize Gore for being Green. I do believe we can do more in cleaning up our act, and I will give him his dues in keeping a focus on it. But many of the hypothesis/solutions from the left are so far removed from what is reality and a working possibility. In most cases the people who deliver the message reek of the typical left wing hypo racy. Do as I say not as I do Democrats…As I have said before, the Clinton’s are a perfect example of saying one thing and doing another. Bill championed some woman’s issues that some felt passionate about and in return gets a free pass to be a prolific womanizer, using his power to pry on star struck weak women. Remember Willey? My husband just committed suicide and I need to find work Mr. President. Can you help? Sure Kathleen but let me feel you up first.

Anyway, Al Gore as you know recently received validation of his views from the Hollywood elite and on Sunday received a reward for the movie “An Inconvenient Truth” But there is also something else that is a little inconvenient for Al, even thought he has instituted some energy saving methods in his house this is the reality. Again Do as I say not as I do.

Al Gore's posh home in the Nashville suburbs might be "carbon neutral," but it still uses a lot of power.
So much that last August Tipper and Al Gore used twice as much electricity in their two-building property as an average U.S. household uses in an entire year, the Tennessee Center for Policy Research, a think tank, reported Tuesday.


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Friday, February 23, 2007

I had to share

Here is an item from Judical watch.. Yes I know some of it goes back 10 years or so but it sure shows a pattern and that is of an amoral ruthless individual..Enjoy ( and this does not even touch on the year 2000 fund raising) #7 Is for you Elsa ;)

10 (plus) unanswered questions for Hillary Clinton

Now that Hillary Clinton is an official candidate for President of the United States, and she is starting a conservation with America, Judicial Watch has a list of questions that Americans deserve answers to:

1. Who in the Clinton administration devised the plan to sell taxpayer-financed trade missions in exchange for campaign contributions to the Clinton-Gore 1996 re-election campaign?

Sworn testimony from Noland Hill, partner and confidante of the late Clinton Commerce Secretary Ron Brown, points to you as mastermind of the scheme.

2. Why did you give "factually false" testimony under oath in the investigation of the White House Travel Office firings, as former Independent Counsel Robert Ray stated in his final report.

Ray said his office found "overwhelming evidence" you played a role in the dismissals of the seven longtime employees in the White House travel office, which you denied under oath.

3. Who hired former bar bouncer Craig Livingstone and ordered him to illegally obtain for the Clinton administration the FBI files of former staffers in the administration of Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush?

Sworn testimony and at least one FBI document shows you hired Livingstone.

4. Why did you fail to report more than $2 million in contributions to your Senate 2000 campaign in the form of a celebrity gala fundraiser?

Testimony in the criminal trial of your National Finance Director, David Rosen, shows you knew the total costs of the fundraiser, yet failed to accurately report them.

5. Your brothers Anthony and Hugh Rodham allegedly brokered cash deals to obtain presidential pardons from your husband on behalf of convicted criminals. Were you aware that they were each paid large sums to obtain these pardons?

Did you play any role in any of the 140 presidential pardons provided by Bill Clinton in the waning days of his administration, bypassing the normal pardon review process? How about the pardons of the Puerto Rican terrorists in the run-up to your first Senate campaign? Did you have any input in those?

6. Did you or your lawyers hire private detectives to investigate and intimidate critics of the Clinton administration?

7. What did you instruct James Carville and George Stephanopoulos to say in order to discredit and defame Gennifer Flowers, a woman with your husband had an affair?

Evidence suggests they smeared her at your behest. Did you play any role in smearing and defaming other woman sexually and otherwise abused by your husband, including, but not limited to: Kathleen Willey, Paula Jones, Dolly Kyle Browning, and Juanita Broaddrick?

8. Records from the Chicago Mercantile Exchange reveal that you turned a $1,000 investment in cattle futures in 1978 into more than $100,000 in then months...a return of 10,000%. How did you earn such an astronomical, and unbelievable return on this investment?

9. How much money does Bill Clinton earn from his relationship with Ron Burkle, a contributor to your Senate campaign, and Burkle's company, Yucaipa?

Are these funds currently available in bank accounts to which you have access? Will you use these funds for your campaign? How about Bill's speaking fees, some paid for by foreign interests and governments - what are the financial benefits to you?

10. How do you explain the mysterious disappearance of your Whitewater billing records from the office of Vince Foster, the former Rose Law Firm partner and Clinton White House counsel who allegedly committed suicide in 1993?

How do you explain the mysterious reappearance of those same records in the White House with your fingerprints on them?

Stopping at 10 questions is hard to do. We could ask about her illegal White House fundraising coffees, doing business with the State of Arkansas while her husband was governor, Web Hubbell, John Huang, Chinese generals, the Lippo Group, and paid sleepovers in the Lincoln Bedroom.

These questions are important and relevant as the American people weigh Hillary's candidacy. We deserve honest answers.

Source: Judicial Watch

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Barack and Hillary he he

I just love this people. I do believe it's the first time I have see Hillary spooked and "really" on the defensive since she jumped off Bill's coat tails and began to walk on her own. I think it is fair to say she only jumps on a sure thing and NY certainly delivered for her in spades. How they so easily accepted a royal carpet bagger is beyond me...but they did. Anyway I might send a dollar to the Barack campaign to keep this interesting. It was also fun to recently see the Hollywood elite trying to quietly support someone else and then witness the ruthless Clinton machine spring to action to get the minions back in line. We are the Clinton's damn it don't dare step out of line.

If you don't believe me here is what Terry Mcaliffe said recently "you are either with us or against us"

I actually like Terry for what he has done for the country. Under his leadership he handed conservatives more power than they could imagine.

Some other notable quotes this week that had a grin from ear to ear.. It's just starting up folks.

David Geffen former FOB (friends of Bill)selected quotes from the NY Times
Geffen said he knew no one “more ambitious than Hillary Clinton”, who is “too incredibly polarising” to bring the country together. He also said no one believed that in the past six years, “all of a sudden Bill Clinton has become a different person”, a fact that Republicans are lying in wait to use should Hillary become the nominee. And, by the way, he said, they both lie, and easily.

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Wednesday, February 07, 2007

For those who live in a bubble about Bill and Hillary

Here is the link with other goodies====>HERE



SUNDAY OCT 15, 2000

As I watched Rick Lazio's interview on Fox News this morning, I felt compelled to
write this open letter to you, Mrs. Clinton. Brit Hume asked Mr. Lazio's views
regarding you as a person and how he perceived you as a candidate. Rick Lazio did
not answer the question, but I know that I can. You know it, too.

I have no doubt that you are the same conniving, self-serving person you were
twenty-two years ago when I had the misfortune to meet you. When I see you on
television, campaigning for the New York senate race, I can see the same hypocrisy
in your face that you displayed to me one evening in 1978. You have not changed.

I remember it as though it was yesterday. I only wish that it were yesterday and
maybe there would still be time to do something about what your husband, Bill
Clinton, did to me. There was a political rally for Mr. Clinton's bid for governor of
Arkansas. I had obligated myself to be at this rally prior to my being assaulted by
your husband in April, 1978. I had made up my mind to make an appearance and then
leave as soon as the two of you arrived. This was a big mistake, but I was still in a
state of shock and denial. You had questioned the gentleman who drove you and Mr.
Clinton from the airport. You asked him about me and if I would be at the gathering.
Do you remember? You told the driver, "Bill has talked so much about Juanita", and
that you were so anxious to meet me. Well, you wasted no time. As soon as you
entered the room, you came directly to me and grabbed my hand. Do you remember
how you thanked me, saying "we want to thank you for everything that you do for
Bill". At that point, I was pretty shaken and started to walk off. Remember how you
kept a tight grip on my hand and drew closer to me? You repeated your statement,
but this time with a coldness and look that I have seen many times on television in the
last eight years. You said, "Everything you do for Bill". You then released your grip
and I said nothing and left the gathering.

What did you mean, Hillary? Were you referring to my keeping quiet about the assault
I had suffered at the hands of your husband only two weeks before? Were you
warning me to continue to keep quiet? We both know the answer to that question.
Yes, I can answer Brit Hume's question. You are the same Hillary that you were
twenty years ago. You are cold, calculating and self-serving. You cannot tolerate the
thought that you will soon be without the power you have wielded for the last eight
years. Your effort to stay in power will be at the expense of the state of New York. I
only hope the voters of New York will wake up in time and realize that Hillary Clinton
is not an honorable or an honest person.

I will end by asking if you believe the statements I made on NBC Dateline when Lisa
Myers asked if I had been assaulted and raped by your husband? Or perhaps, you
are like Vice-President Gore and did not see the interview.

Juanita Broaddrick

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Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Barbara ..Now come on

Barbara Boxer what a joke this woman is

I came acros his article today by John Gibson who points out very well the hypocrisy that is rampant in the democratic party. Woman's rights and feminism seem to be only defined under their criteria and subsequently applied when and how they see fit. Being affiliated with the democratic party clearly bestows certain benefits. You only need to say the right thing and not necessarily do the right thing. In turn you get a pass for some quite outrageous behivour. "Do as I say not as I do" Bill Clinton is a perfect example as he espouses feminist ideals but in reality was the biggest womanizer, rapist, and perjurer around with an enabling wife... Such a joke and Boxer is not much better.

Where is the apology from Sen. Barbara Boxer to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice?

Tony Snow called the senator's question to Rice a "great leap backward for feminism." And Tony nailed it.

Feminists like Barbara Boxer want it both ways. They want abortion rights, they want women to have access to the workplace, but if the woman takes that freedom, does not marry, does not have children, evidently Boxer thinks that woman is unqualified to use her education, experience and judgment in her career. Now, according to Boxer, that woman has to have children to have her career.

Sound confusing? Sure is. It is Boxer logic that only applies to one woman: a single, conservative black woman who happens to be secretary of state.

Boxer wouldn't say to anybody else, you have to have kids to hold your job. She wouldn't dream of saying that to a CEO or to a sales manager. But she thinks it's OK to say it to a secretary of state because this particular woman secretary of state has supported a decision to go to war. Only when it comes to a conservative black woman would Boxer think to ask that question.

A black woman should be a liberal. A black woman should have voted for Boxer and voted against Bush, and a black woman should be opposed to the war. If this black woman is none of those things then there is something wrong with her. What could it be? Oh, she hasn't been married, nor does she have children.

If I had said what Boxer said about a black woman secretary of state in a Democratic administration I'd have a pack of libs calling for my head.

All I want is an apology. Cough it up, Senator.

That's My Word. h

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Friday, February 02, 2007

Work Makes You Free

It was never true then and it’s certainly not true now. I know it happens every now and then if you are lucky, but it isn’t happening here. For the past year and a half I have been working directly and indirectly for a MAJOR micro manager (I know we all have them but I have had enough to know this one is exceptional) I refer to him as the machine. For the first year I worked with him directly, and now I have a kind of buffer, but shit rolls down hill as they say and even though I don't have to look at his face as much I still feel his pressure. He is Chinese you see so his work ethic as you can guess is not very compatible with even our American puritan work ethos. However, he could care less about the people he steps on. It's a catch 22 because we are all doing very well with the stock being high and for the most part dominating our segment of the market. In a nut shell he manages complex projects very well but on the flip side he completely neglects his people and at some point if you don't push back he will drive you into the ground. I am at the pushing point and not far off saying fuck it. Damm those stock options....this would be an easy call if not for that ;)

Update: today after one of our too frequent 3 hour meetings, he pulled me aside and said he did not want me to be playing with my pocket pc “it showed I do not care about the meeting” LOL we he was right and guess what I was writing ;)

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America to Blame for Illegal Aliens

God where do I start on this one. It is amazing to me how many people in this country or at least in any westernized country, that subscribe to the notion that somehow society as a collective is responsible for individuals behavior. This guy goes on to say its America that has taught illegals to break the law because of "the break down in our moral fiber". Apart from the fact that the premise of his argument is clearly ridiculous it does speak to a wider issue and that is personal responsibility. Somehow someway we are being subliminally programmed ( by liberals) to believe if we do something wrong it's really not your fault but "society" and it's societies problem to fix it. I guess we are all just a mindless collective. remember the Borg in startrek????

The full article is here

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