Barack and Hillary he he
I just love this people. I do believe it's the first time I have see Hillary spooked and "really" on the defensive since she jumped off Bill's coat tails and began to walk on her own. I think it is fair to say she only jumps on a sure thing and NY certainly delivered for her in spades. How they so easily accepted a royal carpet bagger is beyond me...but they did. Anyway I might send a dollar to the Barack campaign to keep this interesting. It was also fun to recently see the Hollywood elite trying to quietly support someone else and then witness the ruthless Clinton machine spring to action to get the minions back in line. We are the Clinton's damn it don't dare step out of line.
If you don't believe me here is what Terry Mcaliffe said recently "you are either with us or against us"
I actually like Terry for what he has done for the country. Under his leadership he handed conservatives more power than they could imagine.
Some other notable quotes this week that had a grin from ear to ear.. It's just starting up folks.
David Geffen former FOB (friends of Bill)selected quotes from the NY Times
Geffen said he knew no one “more ambitious than Hillary Clinton”, who is “too incredibly polarising” to bring the country together. He also said no one believed that in the past six years, “all of a sudden Bill Clinton has become a different person”, a fact that Republicans are lying in wait to use should Hillary become the nominee. And, by the way, he said, they both lie, and easily.
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