Barbara ..Now come on
Barbara Boxer what a joke this woman is
I came acros his article today by John Gibson who points out very well the hypocrisy that is rampant in the democratic party. Woman's rights and feminism seem to be only defined under their criteria and subsequently applied when and how they see fit. Being affiliated with the democratic party clearly bestows certain benefits. You only need to say the right thing and not necessarily do the right thing. In turn you get a pass for some quite outrageous behivour. "Do as I say not as I do" Bill Clinton is a perfect example as he espouses feminist ideals but in reality was the biggest womanizer, rapist, and perjurer around with an enabling wife... Such a joke and Boxer is not much better.
Where is the apology from Sen. Barbara Boxer to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice?
Tony Snow called the senator's question to Rice a "great leap backward for feminism." And Tony nailed it.
Feminists like Barbara Boxer want it both ways. They want abortion rights, they want women to have access to the workplace, but if the woman takes that freedom, does not marry, does not have children, evidently Boxer thinks that woman is unqualified to use her education, experience and judgment in her career. Now, according to Boxer, that woman has to have children to have her career.
Sound confusing? Sure is. It is Boxer logic that only applies to one woman: a single, conservative black woman who happens to be secretary of state.
Boxer wouldn't say to anybody else, you have to have kids to hold your job. She wouldn't dream of saying that to a CEO or to a sales manager. But she thinks it's OK to say it to a secretary of state because this particular woman secretary of state has supported a decision to go to war. Only when it comes to a conservative black woman would Boxer think to ask that question.
A black woman should be a liberal. A black woman should have voted for Boxer and voted against Bush, and a black woman should be opposed to the war. If this black woman is none of those things then there is something wrong with her. What could it be? Oh, she hasn't been married, nor does she have children.
If I had said what Boxer said about a black woman secretary of state in a Democratic administration I'd have a pack of libs calling for my head.
All I want is an apology. Cough it up, Senator.
That's My Word. h
Word.! How's your liberal girlfriend handling your view pts?
Good thank you... it would be quite boring if she was exactly like me... allows us to challenge each other and keep it interesting. Besides it’s hard to argue the facts ;)
sheeit - does anonymous know me? I am not a registered democrat, I like to think of myself as a conservative liberal. AND I've been sitting through countless "Reilly Factors" and other Republican news shows with you. I enjoy our discussions on politics as much as I love reading your blogs on them: it shows your intelligence and that you can argue your perspective with a passion and even more importantly -with a sense of humour! :)
valid points - but be judicious throwing around the word, "rapist" when someone wasn't convicted of it. There are 2 sides always to a story. A lot of women are intrigued by men with power for either their own ego-building or thinking that they can further their own careers - happens ALL the time in Hollywood and Politics. I am just saying it might NOT have been 'rape'. Why did that woman agree to go to his hotel room knowing he was married? And then years later says it was rape. Food for thought...
true El fred but when there is a pattern it is probably true. How many people do you know have numerous claims of sexual assualt?
i think that it is most likely EXTREMELY possible that most men in power have had numerous misconducts charged against them. It still doesn't answer my question: why did she agree to meet in his hotel room?
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