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Monday, March 05, 2007

Ann Coulter!!!!

Well Ann put her foot in her mouth and indirectly called Edwards a “faggot”. I don’t know where she was going with this but as they say she fucked up. There is no other way to spin this. Not too many conservatives are pleased with her including myself. Apart from being a refreshingly cute alternative to the usual middle aged white conservative commentators and liberal battle axes she has taken a step down and probably will never fully recover. I have to hand it to her she was never one to back down during a debate and went toe to toe with some pretty forceful liberals. She had something to contribute but sadly that has been compromised. Edwards has many reasons to be shunned and criticized for his record, why did she have to pick this??. I can’t but help think that if Hillary and Barack eventually rip each other to pieces ( as you know if Hillary gets anymore vulnerable its going to get crazy and I am already buying my ringside tickets)that he just might be the last man standing. But to also be fair Ann has been called way worse and of course there is a double standard when a liberal versus a conservative is insulted. Bill Maher on HBO was mildly (if at all) criticized for his comments. This is a snippet of the dialogue
Frank earned applause when he quoted bloggers saying the bomb was wasted when it missed Cheney. Maher asked the panelists whether it was wrong for blog host Arianna Huffington to remove the comments.
Quoting the blog, Maher said, "I have zero doubt that if Dick Cheney was not in power, people wouldn’t be dying needlessly tomorrow."
Asked by Frank if Maher believed that sentiment, the host replied, "I’m just saying if he did die, other people, more people would live. That’s a fact."
I don’t agree with both people. Ann put herself at the level of Maher.

Type rest of the post here

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I heard her say it on NPR this morning - wow. How eloquent she is. I am duly unimpressed...