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Friday, December 08, 2006

Now I am Just Saying

The time has come for me to opine about the war in Iraq.

The secular progressives of this country (and the world for that matter) are in the last stages of completing what the enemy has been betting on all along, and that is to slowly break down the will of the American people. With the barrage of nay Sayers and the liberal media relentlessly feeding to us that defeat is inevitable and that maybe we have been the problem all along, the will soon diminishes. History has once again repeated itself as a stark comparison with Vietnam. There is only one way to defeat us and that is to defeat ourselves. The self loathing that some people have for their own country is sometimes sickening to hear and watch. As one person I talked to not so long ago who hated Bush so much

she could not even stand it said, "well the September 11 thing we must have done something to deserve it". At that point is there really any point trying to explain the complex reality of the world. If there is no army actually waiting to land on the shores of California then they are quite willing to do nothing and just think of ideological utopias with the false and naive idea that the rest of the world contrary to fact and reality is on the same wavelength. The progressive idea in this country and most other countries with a functioning society is that if you leave them alone, be humble and just blindly sent money they will in turn reciprocate. The historical precedence on this is astounding, and a case of continued classic stupidity. The ideological ideas prevalent in almost all the mid east countries rivals any fascist regime in history. Simply hoping it will go away won’t solve a thing. The liberals and the liberal media have pounded this country into submission and defeat just like Vietnam. Yes we should leave now because with out the desire to really win and take this threat head on then what's the point in staying, the war is already over. I guess we will just have to wait until the New York Times decides its ok to fight back. But then the stakes will be much higher with the nuclear element added to the homicide bomber threat. The progressives seem quite comfortable with allowing religious extremists to develop nuclear weapons with nothing more than “oh come on please, play by the rules”. To be clear here I am not a huge fan of Bush either, but I know a threat when I see one and I simply will not be a passive observer and hope it never comes to me. Iran with a nuke!!!! Is there any doubt in anybody’s mind what they will do with such a thing? When it gets to that point it will be too late and you won’t be able to hide anymore.

Meanwhile, the more pressing domestic threat of Christmas is now close to extinction


Elsa Martinez said...

Patrick is in love with a pacifist liberal!!!

Elsa Martinez said...

ps - i hope you don't think that was ME that said that comment about 9/11??

Patrick said...

LOL NO this was even bad for Liberal standards. So we still up for shooting guns tomorrow ?? :)